日本當代攝影展使用大型相機拍攝星軌聞名的攝影家廣川泰士(HIROKAWA, Taishi),所拍攝地點橫跨了三分之二的地球,每幅照片耗費時間超過八小時以上,白天的無垠神秘的蒼穹、夜晚的浩瀚星空,結合兩次巨大曝光主題的超現實圖像。
Taishi Hirokawa was born in 1950 in Kanagawa. Lives and works in Tokyo. Timescapes – infitite tune project, he makes two exposures on each film, one a daylight image of a rock-strewn landscape, the other a time exposure of the midnight stars swirling overhead. The result is a surreal image that combines two immense themes.