佐藤時啟(Sato Tokihiro) 是日本當代藝壇中一位知名的攝影藝術家,他與光的互動關係是眾所皆知,最著名的創作方式是以獨特的光筆及光鏡,使光線在現實景物與空間中飛躍來闡述光與呼吸。 他的作品深受二十多個世界各國的博物館、美術館及學術企業機構的典藏
Sato Tokihiro is a well-known photographic artist in the Japanese contemporary art circle. His interaction with light is well known. Leaps in scenery and space to illustrate light and breathing. His works are in the collections of more than 20 museums, galleries and academic enterprises around the world