井津建郎,美國日裔知名攝影家,1949年日本出生,1970年前往紐約定居50多年。他是兒童慈善機構“無國界朋友”的創始人,為此獲得被喻為兒童議題中的諾貝爾獎 The World of Children Award。井津建郎拍攝主題多為靜物,以及東南亞國家古蹟與風光。同時,他也是少數專研古典鉑金沖印工藝的攝影家,井津建郎的作品總讓人聯想起時間的永恆與龐大與呈現一種靜謐深邃的質感。
Kenro Izu (井津 建郎, Izu Kenr, born 1949 in Osaka) is a Japanese-born photographer based in the United States over 50 years, In 2021 moved back to Japan. He is the founder of children’s charity Friends Without a Border, for which he has received two awards. He has also been awarded for his photography.